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    Preparing for an Anti-jobs Future

    By SowingGood / 30 October, 2016

    We’re Living in an Anti-jobs Era​Driverless vehicles have been in the news recently.Google has been testing out their driverless cars for a few years now. In August 2016, Singapore became the first country in the world to have a driverless taxi service. This will soon be joined by driverless buses. Uber has also launched their driverless car […]


    Growing Sweet Potato

    By SowingGood / 28 October, 2016

    Sweet potatoes are quite easy to grow. All you need is one sweet potato or a few to start with.The sweet potato plant can also be eaten 2 ways.Firstly you can eat the sweet potato tuba. Secondly, you can eat sweet potato leaves (IMPORTANT: Do NOT eat regular potato leaves). Potato (and tomato) leaves and stems are […]


    How to Regrow Lemongrass

    By SowingGood / 26 October, 2016

    ​Lemongrass is a useful plant that can be used in cooking and to make refreshing lemongrass drinks. It is also a natural mosquito repellent. The good news is Lemongrass is very easy to regrow.Regrowing Lemongrass in 2 WeeksWe bought some Zenxin brand organic lemongrass from the supermarket (available in Giant or Cold Storage in Singapore) to make Tom […]


    Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables Exceed Safety Limits

    By SowingGood / 17 October, 2016

    Here’s another reason to grow your own food. Routine tests by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) last year found over 300 batches of fruits and vegetables to be sold in Singapore with pesticides levels that exceeded safety limits. Click here for the full article.


    Does Our Education System Produce Life or Death?

    By SowingGood / 29 September, 2016

    There’s a tremendous shift happening in the educational landscape.HomeschoolingIn the United States, homeschooling used to be considered an alternative education. However it is now widely accepted and indeed preferred by rapidly increasing numbers of parents.​ Even Singapore, in spite one of the most highly-regarded education systems in the world, has increasingly more parents who are opting to […]


    Visit to Zenxin Organic Park in Johor, Malaysia

    By SowingGood / 26 September, 2016

    About Zenxin Organic ParkZenxin Organic Park is located in Johor, Malaysia and is part of Zenxin Organic Farm that’s open to visitors. The park is 100 acres, or according to our farm guide, about the size of 50 football fields. The Zenxin brand should be familiar to many Singaporeans as their organic fruits and vegetables are widely […]


    Buying Soil for Potted Plants

    By SowingGood / 26 September, 2016

    Unless you are using hydroponics, buying soil is a vital component for healthy plants.While soil might be taken for granted by people who have land, for those of us who live in apartments and plant in pots, it is something we have to specifically find.Thankfully it’s pretty easy to get good quality potting soil. I personally […]


    Growing Thai Basil

    By SowingGood / 26 September, 2016

    This Thai Basil is my first attempt at growing edible greens in my apartment.1. Transplanting the Thai Basil SeedlingI bought this Thai Basil seedling at Green Living 2016 held at the Marina Bay Sands on Saturday, 10 September 2016. However I left it in a bag till after the expo ended because I was too busy […]


    Grow Your Own Food – Urban Farming at Home

    By SowingGood / 24 September, 2016

    The 5W1H of Urban Farming at Home Urban farming is gaining popularity and there are many good reasons to do it. Here are some that caused me to get started.WHO can grow their own edible greens at home?Anyone can do this! It’s a great lifestyle activity that’s suitable for busy urban warriors, homemakers, families to do together, homeschoolers, retirees, […]